Bambanker hRM | The 5 best customer arguments

Why should you use Bambanker™ hRM cryopreservation media?

1|  Direct freezing in -80°C

2|  Highest viability and recovery >90%

3|  Extremely easy-to-use

4|  Quick and efficient freezing

5|  More most sensitive cells


What our customers say

"Bambanker hRM is an excellent product. We used it for all our stem cell applications in our laboratory and for freezing sensitive cell lines. Viability and recovery in Bambanker hRM is >90% and the best part is that it is direct freeze reagent in -80C."
Stanford University, USA

"Extremely easy-to-use product. Quick and efficient freezing medium validated in iPSCs. Conventional thawing methods (post-freezing with Bambanker) result in high yield of viable cells."
Dr. Hsu, Boston Childrens Hospital/Harvard, USA 

"Extremely easy-to-use product. Quick and efficient freezing medium validated in iPSCs. Conventional thawing methods (post-freezing with Bambanker) result in high yield of viable cells."
Wang Lab, Stanford University, USA

“We use Bambanker HRM in our lab and we have been very happy with it. We have human induced pluripotent stem cells that we work with which have come from “diseased” individuals. These cells don’t come out of freeze thaw very well. We have only been able to get them to survive by using Bambanker. It has been essential for us.”
Researcher at the Van Andel Institute, Grand Rapids, USA

"For the last 2 years Bambanker™ HRM has been extensively used in our lab to cryoconserve human induced pluripotent cells. We wanted to stay in a xeno-free environment. Hence, Bambanker™ HRM was the best choice."
Christian, PHD; University Medicine Rostock

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