FastGene Optima − The reliable PCR allrounder

As allrounder and problem solver, the FastGene Optima HotStart Ready Mix makes you trust your PCR data.

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“The FastGene Optima HotStart ReadyMix provides a robust and reliable solution for convenient PCR-based genotyping directly from tissue lysates without need for DNA purification. In addition, the genotyping costs dropped by 30% after we started to use this ReadyMix in our daily routine.”

Prof. Thomas Reinheckel, Institute of molecular medicine and and cell research, Freiburg


“We tested very successfully the HotStart ReadyMix for duplex-PCR of cDNAs from our knock-down mutants. The PCR reactions show hardly unspecific products. Additionally this product has an excellent price performance ratio.”

Dr. Matthias Schmidt, Institute for molecular life science, Frankfurt

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