Product Review - FAS-V

I am pleased to show you a customer feedback of an exciting start-up company in the Netherlands:

Photanol is a young, dynamic and ambitious company with a breakthrough Circular Carbon Chemicals production platform to turn CO2 directly into valuable chemicals.

They were using the FAS-V for quite a while and have decided to get a second unit. Here is their *5 Star* product review:

Photanol, Amsterdam

on 08/04/2020

We have been using the FAS-V system for more than two years now for various types of gels such as agarose + Midori staining but also SDS-PAGE. It has a simple but complete interface that makes it very easy to use. Pictures can be taken in a very short amount of time and are of very good quality. We'd also like to mention that the customer service has been of great help and very responsive for advice and maintenance, even outside of warranty. It convinced us to buy a second one for our new lab! Highly recommended!


Click here to get more information about the FAS-V GelDoc System.


Contact us for a Demo here.

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