The Bio-Fragment Analyzer − A great help in the lab!

Since last year, the Qsep Bio-Fragment Analyzer, the great device for fully automated DNA, RNA and protein analysis by capillary electrophoresis, is offered by NIPPON Genetics EUROPE.


The last months we have talked to a lot of customers and discussed the usefulness of this powerful tool for many applications.

Now, we are happy to see that the first Bio-Fragment Analyzers started working at the customer:

In November, for example, the Qsep1 Biofragment Analyzer was put into operation at the Chair of Eukaryotic Genetics at the University of Kaiserslautern. In December, the same device had been established at the Chair of Population Genomics at the LMU Munich.

Mr. Vincent Leon Gotsmann from Prof. Felix Willmund's group in Munich is looking forward to working with our capillary gel electrophoresis system and appreciates the intuitive handling.

L. Gotsmann: " The device is absolutely great! The resolution and sensitivity of the device are really great. We have now firmly integrated the Qsep into our workflows for RNA-Seq and Ribo-Seq experiments and I have already used it to analyze several NGS libraries. So far, everything has always run smoothly and we are happy that we can finally analyze our libraries in-house before we send them off for sequencing. Above all, the measurement in the micro-vials is very convenient, especially when the yield from library prep was rather low. "


Dr. Olaf Thalmann & Mrs. Renate Damian from Kaiserslautern are looking forward to working with our capillary gel electrophoresis system and will, among other things, carry out NGS-QC analyzes.


Do you need some more information or do you have questions? 

Contact us − We are happy to help!

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