Technical Note: non-DNA Binding PCR Plastic

Have you ever considered the role of your PCR plastic when you got wrong CT-Values?

The quantification of nucleic acids is not only depending on the probes, devices and protocols, but also the used plastic material can have an influence on the measured DNA amount. It is known that different plastic material can bind to nucleic acids and will remove them from the reaction, leading to skewed results.


What about NIPPON Genetics EUROPE´s plastic?

The FastGene® plastic from NIPPON Genetic EUROPE is NON-DNA binding plastic leading to trustworthy nucleic acid quantification.

 How can we be so sure about it? It was proven by qPCR-experiments!

In a technical note, which you can download here, we have performed a DNA adsorption test by pipetting different amounts of DNA in a FastGene® 96-well Plate (FG-1702) and stored it at 4°C, 37°C or 65°C for a total incubation time of 120 min, followed by a DNA quantification using Real-time PCR.

Summarizing, our PCR plastic is non-DNA binding and can be recommended for qPCR experiments even with very low DNA template concentrations. Even at a DNA concentration as low as 0.01 ng/uL, no significant difference between the Ct values before and after incubation was observed.


Do you want to see it for yourself? Contact us and we will organize a sample of our plastic for you!


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