New comparison MIDORI Green Advance & a competitor

A Scientist of the Saejong Campus, Korea University has tried MIDORI and compared it to the DNA dye they were using before (Compeitor E). 

Here are the observations:

"The same amount of stain reagent is used to make a gel. (3 ul/50 ml agarose gel solution).  The gel made with Midori Green Advance seems to be slightly higher in %, but for the time being, we proceeded to the comparison. After loading the same amount of sample on the gel, electrophoresis was performed in the same device (125V for 25min).

In comparison with the previous one by additionally performing electrophoresis for 10 minutes, a brighter DNA band with Midori green advance was observed in UV of the same brightness (when comparing 100bp of Ladder, it is more visible).

Competitor has MSDS, but there is no safety report or related content, so safety is more reliable in MGA."

Scientist from Saejong Campus, Korea University


Here is the data from the DNA dye comparison:

20210507_Korea University (Saejong Campus)

Click on the link for more information about MIDORI or to download the safety report. 


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