Product Comparison

FastGene Western ECL Kit − Competitor Analysis

Highest sensitivity using our luminol-based chemiluminescent substrate

Safe DNA-Stains - Our MIDORIGreen Variants

Our MIDORIGreen variants give perfect DNA signals and were designed for different light sources....

Product comparison: FastGene NanoSpec and NanoView Photometer

FastGene® PhotometersNanoView (FG-NP02) and NanoSpec (FG-NP01) are microvolume photometers for...

New comparison MIDORI Green Advance & a competitor

A Scientist of the Saejong Campus, Korea University has tried MIDORI and compared it to the DNA dye...

MIDORI Green Advance outperforming Competitor A when using UV-light

MIDORI green advance is one of the safest DNA dyes on the market. here we show the results of a...