Mariya Hrynchak

Unlock innovation: stop wasting time, start making discoveries

Ever felt like a detective, meticulously piecing together clues? In science, the evidence lies...

NGE's support for TU Braunschweig's iGEM 2023 victory

The iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) Competition is an annual event in...

Lighting the way: exploring Blue/Green LED for safe gel documentation

Our Blue/Green LED gel documentation systems: illuminate your researchOur gel documentation systems...

A success story - the journey from inception to innovation

Immerse into the firsthand testimony of our CEO,Jürgen Lünzer, on NGE's evolution into a success...

We've officially landed on Twitter! 💙

Eager to stay at the forefront of cutting-edge biotech technology? Connect with us at @NipponGenEU ...