FastGene Plate Centrifuge - Your Silent Plate Friend

Detection of mislabelled food (shark meat) with FastGene Optima

Paper (Food Control, Vol. 96, April 2019, Pages 179-186, T. Pazartzi et al.):

FastGene Optima − The reliable PCR allrounder

As allrounder and problem solver, the FastGene Optima HotStart Ready Mix makes you trust your PCR...

FastGene Optima – The dream team.

The FastGene Optima is our problem-solving DNA Polymerase, used and recommended by many of our...

Cryopreservation of iPS-derived Hepatic cells using Bambanker

Today, we would like to show you results from Japan: Dr. Atsunori Sato of Tagawa Laboratory, School...

Cryopreservation of iPS-derived Hepatic cells using Bambanker

Today, we would like to show you results from Japan: Dr. Atsunori Sato of Tagawa Laboratory, School...

Freezing cells with Bambanker − Results from Tokyo Medical University

Today we would like to show you results from Japan: Mr Shota Moriya, Department of Biochemistry,...

Freezing cells with Bambanker: Results from Tokyo Medical University

Today we would like to show you results from Japan: Mr Shota Moriya, Department of Biochemistry,...

A novel cell therapy for liver cirrhosis with human bone marrow derived MSCs − An interview with Assoc. Prof. Taro Takami

Introduction Associate Professor, Taro Takami Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine ...

A novel cell therapy for liver cirrhosis with human bone marrow derived MSCs  | Interview

Introduction Associate Professor, Taro Takami Yamaguchi University Graduate School of...

StemFit - Interview of Ajinomoto with Prof Morizane

Today, we would like to present to you an interview of Prof. Ryuii Morizane from Harvard Medical...

RNA analysis of Archea using FastGene RNA prep and Scriptase II cDNA synthesis kit

RNA analysis of Archea using FastGene RNA prep and Scriptase II cDNA synthesis kit Today we will...

Storing cells at -80°C using Bambanker for 5 years

Non-liquid Nitrogen Cell Cryopreservation using Bambanker We are running a long-term...

1000+ Instruments with Blue / Green LEDs

More than 1000 gel doc instruments with Blue/Green LED Technology have been established in the...

5 Reasons why good PCR plastic could make a difference...

I. Evaporation during a PCR run The salt concentration has a major effect on the polymerase chain...

Scientific CMOS: Quantification of Bands, Linearity and Sensitivity

New generation of scientific grade CMOS camera It has been postulated for a long time that only...

Hint of the week: Safe time during gel electrophoresis

For most safe stains it is know that you will get best results if agarose gels are prepared and...

More safety in the lab! - Gel Doc System using innovative Blue/Green technology

More safety in the lab by avoiding UV light! You can combine lab safety and excellent gel...

Lab Day – Making MIDORI Green Advance gel

Today we would like to show you what happens million times in labs all over the world: we are going...

Good PCR plastic - Because it matters!

It often receives little attention, but good PCR plastic matters! We are happy to support our...

Technical Note: non-DNA Binding PCR Plastic

Have you ever considered the role of your PCR plastic when you got wrong CT-Values? The...